
" Between stimulus and response there lies a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth ond our freedom"
Viktor Frankl

Sometimes seeking counseling help is frightening, and if you have never been in therapy you have no idea what to expect. Counselors/therapists can be an important part of your health care team, and if your physician has suggested you see a therapist s/he feels therapy can be effective in helping you cope with the stressors that maybe in part contributing to your physical condition.

Not every individual seeks a therapist because their doctor recommended it. Sometimes the suggestion comes from a friend or family member, or you realize you need someone to talk with who is trained and can help you with the concerns you are having, in a confidential setting.

The purpose of therapy is to help you feel better by identifying and exploring the issues you are struggling with and then help you find solutions. This is achieved by helping you realize your strengths, and giving you tools and support to help you come up with effective solutions. While therapists can't change other people in your life or erase difficult situations of the past, we can work with you to help understand what you can change in your life, and help you develop strategies and new ways of thinking. Additionally, we can help you explore and develop new directions and ways of interacting. Therapy can help you with tools to resolve or make more managable the challenges in your life.

Therapy comes with no guarantee. The outcome has much to do with how comfortable you feel with your therapist and how much work you are ready to put into making the changes necessary to understand and resolve your personal difficulties . Therapists will help you explore, but will not tell you the course of action you need to take.

It's always a good idea to get a referral from someone you trust. All therapists are not the same and finding the right fit for you is very important in achieving a positive outcome.

I am a solution focused therapist. I use many therapy modalities, most frequently cognative behavioral. I have training as an art therapist and also do systems work.

I do not prescribe medication, but I will work with your doctor or I have a referral network of doctors who can assess your needs should I feel medication might help you get better results from the therapy process. I always discuss this with my clients before I make a referral,and we weight the positive results vs risks of medication and why I would make the recommendation. I also have seen positive results from alternative treatments such as acupuncture, yoga, massage, etc in conjunction with therapy.

If you are ready to explore the benefits of therapy I would be happy to talk with you.

Please call 425-985-3640 or e-mail [email protected] if you have additional questions or wish to make an appointment. 

I work three days a week currently on Zoom and two days a week in my office

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